As a certified feng shui consultant and self-proclaimed minimalist, I’m a huge proponent of the power of LESS.
I have intentionally crafted my life to edit out the excess and the unnecessary, as well as to escape toxic capitalist conditioning, escaping the need to constantly juggle multiple projects, urgent tasks, and "important" responsibilities.
Instead, I am working towards achieving the peace of leisurely mornings, the freedom to nurture my health and relationships, and the flexibility to align my business with my energetic rhythms.
"Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful."
John Maeda
As a fellow conscious, heart-led entrepreneur, you're likely on a similar path. This journey isn't about building a big business machine; it's about contributing our unique gifts while savoring a vibrant and enriching life.
In a world that glorifies the hustle and grind, the idea of intentionally doing LESS as a strategic approach to success may seem counterintuitive. Yet, beneath the surface of lies a compelling concept: Less is More.
In this blog post, we'll explore how adopting a minimalist mindset can actually lead to greater efficiency, productivity, and success in your entrepreneurial endeavors.
I'll share some of my top tips to help reclaim your time and avoid burnout in your work and life. We'll explore how to incorporate minimalism into your small business to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and amplify success. It's not about doing nothing, but being more intentional about what you do... and sometimes, yes, even lazy...
The Power of Less
Traditional online marketing sells us on this constant need for the next best thing, the latest and greatest. That we must jump on this new trend or implement this new technique to be successful. That we are incomplete as we are and we always need MORE to make us better.
It sells us from a place of lack - that we're not enough. That we must keep up with everyone else.
The reality is that the over romantization of “more stuff” leaves many of us entrepreneurs burnt out and falling out of love with our businesses. In reality SIMPLICITY is the key to sustainable success.
To be successful,
You don’t need 7 offers. You DO need just 1 really good one.
You don’t need to be on every social media platform. You DO need to commit to consistency on 1 platform.
You don’t need complex funnels. You DO need 1 simple funnel on your website.
You don’t need a podcast and a YouTube. You could just pick one and do it well.
Great things take time to build, and your business is no different. It's about embracing the long game, not spreading ourselves thin for quick wins.
The Lazy Entreprenuer
It sounds counter-intuitive, but LAZINESS can be a powerful asset in sales and marketing, at least when wielded strategically.
What does a lazy (but smart) entrepreneur do differently?
They don't waste time working with prospects who need to be convinced that they can afford something.
They don’t bother trying to explain why today is the day to buy – as opposed to “next month”.
We can call this "productive or efficient laziness." Rather than expending energy trying to overcome objections and obstacles, the most effective and energy-protected entrepreneur seeks out prospects who naturally lack these barriers.
Of course, championing laziness is not an excuse for complacency or inaction. Rather, it's an invitation to reassess our ingrained beliefs about success. By aligning our efforts with our priorities and focusing on efficiency, we might find that a touch of laziness is exactly what is needed.
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
Leonardo da Vinci
Strategic Ways to 'Work Smarter, not Harder'
Start with Your Workspace
The physical environment in which you work plays a significant role in your productivity and mindset. Embrace minimalism in your workspace by decluttering unnecessary items, organizing your space efficiently, and opting for clean, minimalist decor. A clutter-free environment fosters clarity of thought and allows you to focus on what truly matters.
Refine & Focus Your Target Audience..and your Approach
Instead of dispersing your energy across a broad audience, focus on pinpointing your highest resonance audience. Tailor your messaging to resonate deeply with them, creating a magnetic connection that captivates attention and drives meaningful engagement.
"The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak."
Hans Hofmann
No matter your industry, pitch or product… you can make double in half the time by making your sales strategy more efficient and streamlined. How?
Get clear on what your customer's most basic obstacles are. Your best prospects are...
Really needing what you’ve got
Able to afford what you've got
Ready and eager to buy now
Once you've found these matches, then the final obsacle is earning their TRUST. When you discover a prospect who has both need, money, urgency and desire then your sales challenge from there is to make them believe you’re gonna take care of them.
“Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.”
Zig Ziglar
By investing your energy wisely and focusing on the "easy prey", the highest-quality, fastest-moving prospects, you can double your results in half the time. Pre-screening prospects and prioritizing those who exhibit fewer obstacles, allows you to accelerate the sales cycle and achieve greater success with less effort.
Casting a smaller net and zeroing in on those 3% of prospects who already have the resources and readiness for your product or service, means you can focus your efforts where they'll have the greatest impact.
"Working hard for its own sake is a bad idea because there is not a strong correlation between working hard and being successful."
Dave Asprey
Strategic, Simplified Messaging
There is one skill that every aspiring solopreneur should learn. And it's not a marketing tactic....
It's the ability to "dumb down" your work.
Clear and concise communication is key to making your work and services more accessible and engaging. This approach not only enhances comprehension but also builds trust and fosters stronger connections with the audience, making the communication more impactful and memorable. This involves
stripping away jargon, technical terms
using straightforward vocabulary and clear, direct statements.
Streamline Your Product Offerings
Instead of offering a wide array of products or services, consider streamlining your offerings to focus on what you do best. By simplifying your product line, you can reduce complexity, streamline operations, and better serve your target audience. Remember, quality trumps quantity.
Complexity kills. Simplicity sells.
Simplify Your Processes
Complex processes can bog down your business and hinder efficiency. Take a minimalist approach to your business processes by embracing simplicity in your daily operations, identifying areas of inefficiency and streamlining workflows.
Avoid Energy-Drainers. Omit the to-do-list items that drain your energy, and find ways to eliminate or delegate them.
Automate & Delegate. Use tools, technology, and teams to handle repetitive tasks, eliminate uncesseay steps, freeing up mental and physical resources for bigger challenges.The most successful people hire a team of smart, skilled people and empower them to make decisions without you.
Optimize Your Marketing Workflow: Take a close look at the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing efforts. By analyzing your data, you can identify which strategies are yielding the most significant results and which are consuming valuable time better spent on family or self-care.
Simplify Your Storytelling
"Keep it simple" is a copywriter’s mantra, whether you're a generalist, or niche specialist.
Here are the key takeaways and points from the text:
Dumb it Down: Simple words are more recognizable, readable, and relatable, making them effective in communicating ideas clearly. They help your audience understand your message quickly without ambiguity.
Know Your Audience : While simplicity is valuable, it's crucial to consider your audience's familiarity with the subject matter. For specialist audiences, using industry-specific jargon might be appropriate if it aids clarity.
Complexity vs. Intelligence: Writing simply doesn't mean being unintelligent or dumbing down content. Instead, it involves breaking down complex ideas into clear, concise language, making the message more impactful and engaging.
Write with Purpose: Overly complex language can obscure your message and reduce its effectiveness. Simple, purposeful writing ensures that the core message is easily grasped and remembered by the audience.
Context Matters: The level of simplicity or complexity should be tailored to the audience. While simplicity is generally beneficial, over-simplifying content that your audience already understands can be counterproductive.
In the United States 21% of adults (approximately 42 million people) read below a 5th grade reading level.
Cultivate a Minimalist Mindset
Minimalism is as much a mindset as it is a lifestyle choice. Cultivate a minimalist mindset within your small business by prioritizing quality over quantity, focusing on what truly adds value, and practicing mindful consumption. Encourage your team members to adopt minimalist principles in their work habits and decision-making processes.
Commit To Your Top Priorities Only. Not all tasks and projects are of equal importance. Identify the 20% of tasks that will yield 80% of the results, commonly known as the Pareto Principle. Ruthlessly eliminate distractions and dedicate your time and energy to the most important areas only.
Say ‘No’ often. Get comfortable declining requests that pull you away from your priority. Focus on ONE thing at the top, mastering that before scaling or going to next challenge.
Focus on Results, Not Effort: By concentrating on OUTCOMES rather than the hours put in, we allow ourselves to find the most direct route to our goals.
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
Albert Einstein
Embrace Digital Minimalism
In today's digital age, it's easy to become overwhelmed by constant connectivity and information overload. Knowing when to disconnect and unplug is key as overwork can lead to burnout, diminishing productivity and creativity
Declutter your files, unsubscribe from unnecessary emails, and limit your time spent on social media.
Create boundaries around technology use to foster focus and creativity. On the 1st of every month, block out screen-free quality time on your calendar purely for yourself with no screen (e.g., dinners with loved ones, weekend getaways, workout classes, etc.)
Explore HELPFUL technology, like app blockers, to help you unplug and disconnect at certain times of the day.
Focus on Customer Experience
In a minimalist business, the customer journey is paramount. By focusing on delivering exceptional value and service, you can build loyal customer relationships that drive long-term success. It's the details that matter!
Remove friction points from your customer journey
Streamline the purchasing process
Prioritize user-friendly design.
The "Power Law of Distribution"
Did you know that for most startups, 80% of your growth will comes from ONE channel
When you find your power channel, Double down and focus in. Don't go wide with new ideas. Get good (and known for) one thing, then - and only then - expand to another.
“The kitchen sink approach doesn’t work. Most companies get zero distribution channels to work. If you get just one channel to work you have a great business. If you try for several but don’t nail one, you’re finished. Distribution follows the power law."
Peter Thiel
Slow Down
Your nervous system goes into fight or flight when you rush, when you push yourself to always produce, and act like everything is urgent.
So one of the kindest things you can do for yourself, and your team, is to slow down.
If you can make good decisions fast, by all means, go for it, but slowing down helps everyone in the long run.
It's inclusive. Not everyone processes information at the same rate. Not everyone is comfortable externalizing their thoughts immediately in the moment. When we slow down, we give more people the chance to be involved in decision-making and information sharing by honoring everyone’s needs, speeds, and creeds.
It's considerate. It allows us to see people and make connections that cannot happen at breakneck speed. It also gives us time to gather more detail and context and to engage with curiosity which could provide important info that will ultimately save us time down the road.
It's safer. Slowing down increases our chances of catching our bias. Bias is a natural byproduct of the way our brains work. It keeps us safe, helps us make sense of our world, and assists us in reaching decisions with relative speed. Our brains automatically categorize familiar as "safe" and unfamiliar as "dangerous." This is a root cause of bias , and haste exacerbates this further, because when we don't slow down to question if we should trust or fight the natural tendency of our brains, we engage in distorted decision-making.
It's smarter. Slowing down reduces the risk of mistakes, or duplicative or useless work.
Sometimes there may indeed be a need for haste and speed. But the rest of the time? It's in your mind.
Stop making decisions based on urgency and fear instead of empathy and compassion. Treat your nervous system like a finely tuned instrument, not a machine to be pushed to its limits. You’ll find your most efficient self in the rhythm of mindful action. Pace yourself, and watch how much farther you’ll go.
Remember, life’s not an emergency - it’s an experience, and your mindfulness and presence is the most valuable part. "Work emergencies"are almost always caused by thoughtless executives with big egos and little strategy. You don't have to fall for it.
"Move slower through your tasks. Slow down your breathing. You'll get more done when your body isn't in a state of panic."
Dr. Nicole LaPera
Wrapping It Up
As you can see, in the world of business and marketing MORE is not always Better.
It's time we stop making the mistake of overly complicating our businesses. It's time we challenge the hustle and grind, capitalism-first culture.
Lean into simplification. For your self, for your customers, clients, community, for humanity.
Let's build our businesses from a place of wholeness and authenticity. We are already enough! We can do everything on our own terms.
Let's break all the rules about how it “should” be done.
Lets only say yes when it’s fully aligned in our bodies and hearts.
Let's stop succumbing to shiny object syndrome.
Incorporating minimalism and simplicity into your small business can yield numerous benefits, from increased productivity and efficiency to enhanced customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, allowing you to create a business that thrives.
In a world that values hustle above all else, being a lazy entrepreneur may seem like a radical notion. But reframing laziness as a tool for efficiency and strategic decision-making, you can achieve greater success with less effort and energy.
Reducing unnecessary effort means having more energy for tasks that truly matter. When you free up your time and mental and physical resources you then have more energy to focus towards strategic growth, creative persuits and the bigger challenges that await. But also, more importantly, your well-being beyond work: your relationships, health and happiness.
"Laziness is natural and healthy. It fueled all human progress by leading to innovative ways to make work easier."
Jim Kwik
Need help and support in bringing greater efficiency and simplicity to your soul-ful small business? I'd love to work with you.

Erin Ratliff is a holistic business coach and organic growth & visibility consultant serving energy-sensitive, earth-loving, heart-led soul-preneurs, self-starters, and founders with the mission of personal and planetary healing.
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